Conformation brags
5/20/17-1st in class BOS Nebraska Kennel Club
5/21/17-1st in class BOS Nebraska Kennel Club
7/29/17-1st in class BOS Waukesha Kennel Club
10/21/17-Best of Breed Clermont Kennel Club
7/15/18-Best in Misc. Kishwaukee KC
7/28/18- Group 2 Waukesha Kennel Club
7/29/18-Best of Breed Waukesha Kennel Club
7/29/18-Best of Breed Waukesha Open show
8/11/18-Best in Misc Cudahy Kennel Club
09/08-18-Best in Misc Kenosha Kennel Club
12/12/18-BOS Brevard Kennel Club
12/13/18-BOS Portugese Pod. Club
12/15/18-BOS AKC Nationals
6/29/19-Best in Open show Kettle Moraine KC
6/30/19-Best in Misc Kettle Moraine KC
7/12/19-Best in Misc Blackhawk Kennel club
7/28/19-Best in Misc Waukesha Kennel club
7/28/19-Best of Breed Waukesha Open show
8/08/20 Best of Breed. Jefferson County
8/09/20 Best of Breed Jefferson County
8/01/21 Best of Breed. Waukesha
6/10/22 WB
6/12/22. WB
Agility brags
8/19/18- AKC 1st in novice JWW 16" 2nd novice Standard 16"
9/7/18- AKC 1st Novice JWW 16" 1st Novice Std
10/27/18-AKC 2nd Novice JWW 16" 1st Novice Std 16" 1st Novice Fast 16"
10/27/18- Novice JWW and Novice Std titles earned
Fast Cat brags
10/20/18- 24.02 MPH
10/28/18- 23.87, 22.96 MPH
6/28/19-21.02, 23.3 MPH BCAT Earned
6/30/19- 23.19 MPH
8/7/20- 1st in class BOB
8/8/20- 1st in class
8/9/2-- 1st in class
8/10/20-1st in class BOS
8/15/20- 1st in class BOB Best in Misc
10/16/20 1st in class BOB
10/17/20- 1st in class BOB Best in Misc
10/24/20- UKC Best of breed, gr 1 BIS
12/12/20- Earned UKC CH
12/31/20-Earned #1 Mudi in UKC
5/7/21- 1st in class BOB
5/8/21- 1st in class BOB
5/22/21- 1st in class BOB Group 2
5/23/21-1st in class BOB BIM Best in Show
5/31/21-1st in class BOB BIM Best in Show
7/3/21- 1st in class BOB
7/3/21- CM earned
8/23/21-IABCA INTCH Reserve BIS BIS Rare breed
1/7/22-WB Best of Breed
1/8/22- WB Best of Breed
1/9/22- WB Best of Breed
1/15/22-WB Best of Breed 5 point major
2/3/22 WB Best of Breed
3/5/22 WB Best of Breed 5 point major
3/19/22 WB B of Winners 3pt major
3/20/22 WB
3/26/22 WB Best of Breed 5 point major
Earned CH
3/27/22 Best of Breed 4 point major over another CH
6/10/22 Best of Breed 5 point Major over CH
6/11/22 Select
6/12/22 Best of Breed 5 point Major over CH
6/13/22 Best of Breed 5 point Major over. CH
08/16/22 Best of Breed GCH earned
8/14/21- 5/6 qualifying runs all 1st place
6/5/21-9.1 sec, 7.95 sec 25.7 mph
6/6/21-8.088 sec BCAT